A little about myself, the CEO/Owner. I am Jakisha Gray, a wife, a mother of all sons, a domestic violence survivor, a black woman that is entering what I keep hearing is "a man's territory". This is a dream come true and I would have never imagined myself here. I had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) on January 20, 2021. Before having surgery, I weighed 286 lbs. and my BMI was 47, and I had a slew of health problems. I am currently 187 lbs. and I feel healthier than ever. I had never really paid attention to the nutrition side of health, just weight-loss. During the pre-op stages of preparing for surgery, I was required to take nutrition classes and conduct my own research about nutrition, eating habits and how my life would change overall. While I had gained a lot of knowledge throughout this time, the one thing that was most surprising to me was the role of protein. I never knew that protein played such a pivotal role in our diets. I don't remember a mention of protein growing up. I am not a health professional. I am sharing with you what I have learned and have implemented in my daily life. I will explain what I have learned about protein.
Proteins are made up of building blocks called, "amino acids". Our bodies use amino acids to make hormones, enzymes, build and repair muscles and bones to name a few benefits. Proteins are also a source of energy. When our bodies lack protein overtime, we lose muscle mass. This will cause us to lose strength, lose balance, slows our metabolism and can lead to anemia. There are 9 essential amino acids that comes from our food. They are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Protagein has all 9 amino acids making the quencher a great source of protein. The National Academy of Medicine recommends that we get a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight per day.
After gaining this knowledge, I made a change of mind and body. It appears that my family nor myself was getting the appropriate suggested amount of protein especially after getting the VSG. I set out to prepare myself with all the necessary tools. Protein drinks being one of them. I purchased protein shakes, protein drinks, protein bars, protein chips and everything else protein. I was required to complete a 2 week liquid diet pre surgery and 3 week liquid diet after surgery. Consuming the required liquid protein wasn't the hardest part, enjoying the taste of the liquid protein was. I was required to drink 2-3 protein shakes or protein drinks a day. The shakes were all milk based and the drinks tasted medicinal or like a chemical and very chalky like. I said, "God, there has to be another way". He said, "Make your own"!! I created "Protagein". This is my protein supplemental source. It's smooth, tasty and full of protein which I am required per my surgeon and my health. I hold Protagein up to the highest of standards, and am extremely honored to enter this field. We have an immense amount of knowledge from research to physical trial experience. We supply many local consumers with a variety of refreshing flavors created with the greatest degree of precision and care.